Web Design
Design for the campaign website "kinderarmut-abschaffen.at" with the purpose to fight child poverty. The website was created to support the print campaign. Key features are the donations page, information about the cause and the possibility to file an application for financial support for a child or children.
The assets and images were provided by Traktor Werbeagentur and Volkshilfe.
This design was created during my employment as a UX/UI Designer at Denovo GmbH.
UX/UI Designer
Overall the donation process should evoke more emotions, but still be easy to complete. In the header section this was achieved by a simple hover effect that changes the 4 out of 5 christmas trees to 5 out of 5. This was inspired by the fact that every fifth child in Austria is at risk of poverty.
Then there's a carousel that displays the needs of children, especially of what parents of children at risk of poverty can't afford. The user can choose the cause most important to him/her.
After the carousel follows the form with as little input fields as possible so it doesn't feel tedious for the user when filling it out.
Exact information or details of the design process can't be disclosed due to this project being done during employment at Denovo. For questions and more information, get in touch!
Made with ♥️ and a lot of creative anxiety — © 2024 Nina Perz